Wednesday, February 11, 2009

La Tahzan - There is another life to come..


Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher, said:

"the drama of this life is not complete; there must be a second scene to it, for we see the tyrant and his victims without seeing justice being executed. We see the conqueror and the subjugated, without the latter finding any revenge. Therefore there must be another world, where is justice will be carried out".

As-Syeikh 'Ali At-Tantawi commented on this said:

" This statement suggests a confession from this foreigner to Islam, of the existence of a Hereafter where judgment will take place".

An Arab poet said:

If the minister and his delegates rule despotically,
And the judge on earth is unjust in his judgments,
Then woe, followed by woe after woe,
Upon the judge of the earth from the Judge Who is above!

As Allah has promised:

This Day shall every person be recompensed for what he earned. No injustice (shall be done to anybody). Truly, Allah is Swift in reckoning.

"Pada hari ini, tiap-tiap diri dibalas dengan apa yang telah diusahakannya; tidak ada hukuman yang tidak adil pada hari ini. Sesungguhnya Allah amat cepat hitungan hisabNya."

1 comment:

yangmanis said...

La Tahzan utk Nad & diri akak sendiri..

kita sebenarnya sentiasa ada peluang untuk memilih Nad..

jadi berdoalah agar pilihan kita itu adalah yang terbaik..